Savage NutritionistHospital Intern with ADHDI was a graduate student and dietetic intern at a nearly 600 bed hospital and who happened to have ADHD - inattentive type. Let me start...
Savage NutritionistB12 Deficiency - Loss of Vibratory SenseThe Savage Nutritionists details how vitamin B12 deficiency leads to loss of vibratory sense and how a practitioner may diagnose it.
Savage NutritionistReliability, Odds ratio, Confidence interval, and moreHomework help is here! Sensitivity vs Specificity Reliability Measures of effect Odds ratio Confidence interval
Savage NutritionistRD Exam Study GuidesThe following are the resources I used to pass the RD exam: The Review of Dietetics by Hess & Hunt I first discovered the Review of...